The Latest Demand on California Employers: Provide a Chair to your Employees
A recent class-action lawsuit against the CVS pharmacy chain
was one of many filed in California during the last several years against
corporations that required workers to stand.

“There is no principled reason for denying an employee a
seat when he spends a substantial part of his workday at a single location
performing tasks that could reasonably be done while seated, merely because his
job duties include other tasks that must be done standing,” Justice Carol A.
Corrigan wrote for the court.
Whether a worker is entitled to a seat depends on “the
totality of the circumstances,” including whether a task can be performed from
a chair, whether seating the worker would interfere with job performance and
whether the physical layout of the work space is conducive to seating, the
court said.
An employer may not design a work space to “further a preference for standing” and must consider whether it could be reasonably changed to accommodate a chair or stool, the court said.
“If the nature of the work reasonably permits seated work,” the court said, the law “unambiguously states employees ‘shall be provided with suitable seats.'” Employers must now give workers the option of sitting.
ruling affects employers in several industries, most notably retail and banking
and may place an additional financial and procedural burden on employers as
they struggle to comply with the law and the demands of their employees.
Lauren Sims, a Senior HR Generalist, prepared this article.
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